No I haven’t quit climbing or blogging about my minor adventures; I was just really, really busy the last half of 2013. New baby, busy job and some minor surgery kept me home the last few months. Got out with Tyler and John to upper Evan-Thomas Creek on January 6, 2014. First trip with these boys and we didn’t have a lot of time so we headed out for some low commitment climbing. Neither of the boys had been to upper ETC, so they were interested in the location. Cold spell just before our climb, in fact, about 24 hours before our trip the lows were -35 C (air temperature, not wind chill) so the ice was brittle. Neither John nor I were keen to lead the 4+ (maybe WI 5?) curtain on Green Monster, but Tyler was. Once the top rope was set up, we all took turns up and down the curtain. Good times, I think we each did about 5 or 6 climbs, great workout. Cold day in the shadow of the canyon, never warmed up to the promised -5, warmest was maybe -15? Good to be back in the mountains.