Thursday, February 28, 2019

Solo ski tour - Gypsum Ridge and Creek

February 22 had time for a solo trip. Had hopes of reaching the summit of Mt. Invincible, but quickly realized it was too much for a winter solo trip.  Had some great exercise, explored new terrain and suffered at lot on the ski out; great trip!

Only recently found out the traverse from Mt. Warspite to Mt. Invincible, and more interesting to me, the downclimb from the summit of Invincible to the old Gypsum Ridge road is only a scramble. Well likely true in dry conditions, but from my view at the end of the road at the Gypsum Ridge and Mt. Invincible col, this ascent would be very difficult in the winter. Day started sunny, clear and cold, about -20 C when I left the car. Parked at the closed gate near the Peninsula picnic area at the north end of Lower Kananaskis Lake.

Short ski from road parking at closed gate brings one to the infor sign.
View to the west end (high point) of "Gypsum Ridge".

First view to summit of Mt. Warspite.
Very well used and nicely set ski track from the parking area to the old road
at the north end of Lower Kananaskis Lake at the inlet of Smith-Dorrien Creek.

Surprisingly to me, there was a highway of a huge ski track set in place, all the way from the parking area to the end of the road at the Gypsum Ridge and Mt. Invincible col. The down tracks were in the trees, good snow, but tight and not the longest runs, not best ski down in my view. Regardless, I really appreciated the uptrack and I made great time up hill. From the low col the view up to the outlier NW summit of Invincible looks nasty, heavily wind loaded, double cornices and the rock step above the snow ridge looked like 5 class climbing to me. Being cold, tired and old, I changed plans.  And wondered about skiing over to "Gypsum Tarns" below Mt. Indefatigable and started heading south from the col.

Part way up the old road, view to the east and the Opal Range.
Mt. Evan-Thomas just left of centre. 

Nearing col between Gypsum Ridge and Mt. Invincible.
View to main summit of Invincible (right highpoint) and the outlier NW summit (left).

Final section of old road and view up the ridge to the NW outlier of Invincible.
Photo from col between Gypsum Ridge and Mt. Invincible.

View south to Mt. Indefatigable, main summit in centre.
Skied this old road and open slope near to edge of this view. 
Starting breaking trail from the col south along an old road bed, soon the road bed disappears into a steep slope.  I ski pole tested the slope, seemed iffy, I skied out for about 50 metres, protected a bit by some trees, but didn't like the layers and potential upper crust, so skied back to the col. From there skied pretty much straight south into the Gypsum Creek valley with steep trees and great snow. 

Looking at the topo, I thought the avi slope off of Invincible was not that wide and I skinned up high in the trees, with shitty snow (no base, lots of facets) to try and regain the old road bed.  Big waste of time and energy, oh well. Gave up when I realised I had to traverse again on more big slopes. Oh well, skied back down to the valley. I thought, heh, I should ski out Gypsum Creek to the lake and connect to the old road near the shore.  Bad idea, bad snow, bushwaching on skis.  You think I would have learned better by this point in my life? Got to suffer a lot and have a solid leg workout, didn't find the road and had to break trail on Lower Kananaskis Lake back to the Peninsula picnic area. At least the sky was clear and there were lots of stars to enjoy. 

In upper Gypsum Creek looking straight up to the summit of Mt. Invincible.
Main summit highest point in centre, NW outlier bump just right of centre.

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